IFFSnooper Quick Reference
for Making a New Object

The lighter the grey, the further away it is.

The darker the grey, the closer to you.

  • Open the object.iff that you are using as a base and click the SPR2 tab.

  • Export the sprite frames and Disassemble the resources.

  • Create the p-sprites with sharp, jagged edges, saving them in RGB Colour (24-bit).

  • Make the a-channels and z-buffers, saving them in Indexed Colour (8-bit) with a Custom palette.

  • Scale down all the large a, z, p-sprites (ratio = 100:50:25) to fit the medium and small zooms, saving them in their correct Image mode.

  • Import the sprite frames. Encode and save the new PALT and SPR2 resources.

  • Import the resources and save the new object.

  • Open the new object and click the DGRP tab. Position the object using the x-y co-ordinates — for each direction and each zoom.

  • Remember to clone, enter your Magic Cookie and change the name and description.